.....Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalms 23:6

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Just an update

ISo we r currently waiting on our house to b ready. Our official move in date is Monday, however, we r at thay point where we say how in the world ate they going to finish everything they promised. Which would include flooring downstairs, light fixtures upstairs and black top on the driveway. This is very nerve racking. I just have to look ahead and say thank u Lord for all u have done for us. I mean seriously who am I to question the God of the universe. Everything works for our good and His glory. o by the way if anyone is reading this, I am typing this out on my phone. so it may come across more as a text than a post. Anyway, everyone have a very blessed day!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Learning Process

So I've jumped on the coupon wagon. I'm so excited, I just have to get the hang of this thing. I got my coupons and ads (CVS & Walgreenes) Sunday, I sat down and made my list. I went Monday, bought $158.64 and only spent $28.32....that was great! I love it. I have spent so much time on this computer looking for deals, new coupons, and how to combine coupouns to get the best bang for my buck! Lets just say couponing is not easy, it's definately work! But I love it!

Just a funny! After I read Mindy's post about the computer paper being a penny. I went today to Staples, grabbed my paper and went to check out. Well I got to he front and it was not a penny!!!!! After I stood there looking like an idiot and arguing with a teenager I came home read the post and realized it was Office Max....whoops! I bet those people thought I should be committed!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Children are a blessing!

The other day I had some errands to run. My mom so graciously volunteered to keep my kiddos. As I was running my errands I decided to stop at Wendy's and eat lunch. Standing in line I noticed this precious little girl (probably about 7), she was with her dad and grandpa. I don't know what it was about her that caught my eye but she was absolutely adorable. As the dad and grandpa were ordering the food the little girl asked if she could go get napkins and things, with the nod of her dads head she went on about her business. As I sat down I saw that she had prepared at seat at a table for each person; a napkin, straw, fork and all of the necessities. I thought how sweet is that. Her dad and grandpa came to sit down, she was beaming bc she was so proud of what she had done. But to her disappointment (as well as mine) it went unnoticed. The dad immediately started talking down to her. First comment : "You could have atleast found a table that didn't have crumbs on the chairs." That was like a knife in my heart. The little girl still had a smile on her face and looked as if she were determined to get their approval;ut straws in their cups, placedtheir food in front of them and suggested they say the blessing. I was so shocked that neither man even acknowledged her. The little girl began to say the blessing and they didn't even so much as bow their heads but went on eating their food. It was one thing after another, there was no conversation at the table; even though the little girl tried and tried again to talk. I just wanted to go get her and take her with me or atleast tell the dad and grandpa what a jewel they had. I don't know what these men were dealing with on this particular day but I know it just broke my heart.

With all of this being said I encourage each one of us that no matter where we are or what's going on in that particular day, we remember that God gave us our children as a gift. We should cherich them!

Monday, July 4, 2011

God Bless America!

Let me be the first to say (on my blog) that I am so thankful for those men and ladies who served to give our country the freedom we enjoy today. I can't help but think of the ultimate sacrifice that provided us with eternal freedom. You know our freedom here on Earth can be taken away from us. Slowly but surely it's taking place. Thank God our eternal freedom can never be taken away. Jesus Christ died so we can except him as our personal Saviour and live freely and eternally with Him!

Praying that you all have a safe and wonderful July 4th!!!!